Hipparcos/Tycho Catalogue Data

Hipparcos Catalogue: Variability Annex
HIP 25302

For information on field definitions see Guide to Hipparcos Variability Annex fields (pdf)

Field       Value                 Field Description 
U1  :    25302             Identifier (HIP)
U2  :                      Flag if new variable
U3  : B1V:pe               Spectral type
U4  : U                    Variability type (1-letter)
U5  : GCAS                 Variability type (6-letter)
U6  : *                    Flag if newly classified by Hipparcos
U7  :        4.714         Magnitude at max curve fitting if significant
U8  :                      Limit flag (>)
U9  :        4.862         Magnitude at min curve fitting if significant
U10 :        4.823         Median Hp (mag)
U11 :        0.141         Intrinsic variability amplitude, A (mag)
U12 :        0.018         sigma_A
U13 :                      Blank for unsolved variables
U14 :                      Blank for unsolved variables
U15 : C                    Annex flag
U16 : P                    Note flag
U17 : V1086_Ori            Variable star name
U18 :                      Period from literature (days)
U19 :                      Epoch from literature (Julian Date)
U20 :        4.92          Magnitude at max from literature
U21 :        4.96          Magnitude at min from literature
U22 : V                    Photometric band
U23 : R                    Reference flag
PA1   |PA2                                                                      
95.063|Hummel, W., Vrancken, M., 1995 A&A 302 751                               
95.232|Porter, J.M., Drew, J.E., 1995 A&A 296 761                               
94.198|Mennickent, R.E.  et al., 1994 A&AS 106 427                              
94.403|Slettebak, A., 1994 ApJS 94 163                                          
86.087|Kilambi, G.C.  et al., 1986 IBVS 2950                                    
84.033|Bhatt, H.C.  et al., 1984 A&AS 58 685                                    
PN1   |2|3|N4|N5|PN6                                                                             
 25302| | | 1| 1|Gradient in data, star becomes 0.15 mag fainter during the mission.